

Be it a software or a story we help you fence it

Copyright in laymen’s term is protection of expression of concept. A concept may be expressed in a number of ways, for example, in a book or article (literary work), in a painting, in a software code, in a dance form, in a musical composition etc.

Copyright is referred to as one of the natural rights. What it means is, a copyright persists in any creation from the time it is created, and some protection for the creation exists even without registration.

An artist (creator) may seek some relief on the grounds of passing-off if the copyright has not been registered. This means that the artist (creator) may request a court to seek an injunction or stopping a person from copying the creation. However, for seeking damages for the losses suffered by the artist due to copyright infringement, the copyright must be registered.

The Indian Copyright Law provides for criminal penalties for unauthorized copying and enforcement of Copyrights is swift. The actions include raiding, confiscating and criminal actions against the person copying and otherwise contributing thereof.

Your Copyright matters are best served by the dedicated ProdyoVidhi experts. With ProdyoVidhi, you do not have to worry about registering, negotiating transaction, e.g. assignment, license, valuation, initiating police actions, follow-through etc.


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